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Casselman Family Database

  • This information is needed to complete the Casselman family database.
  • A separate sheet should be submitted by each married child and for each marriage with children.
  • Your personal information will be respected. No commercial use will be made of data other than
    to complete the Casselman family tree.

Your full name

Place of birth Date

Married at Date

Occupation Military Record

Father Mother


Place of birth Date

Occupation Military record

Father Mother


Name in full
Place of birth
Name of spouse

If anyone has had a previous marriage, please list below

Name of above Married to

Spouse's birth location Date

Father Mother Divorced Deceased

Please enter responder's e-mail

Loyalist townships of eastern OntarioCasselman Coat of ArmsLoyalist crossingPalatine emigrantsLoyalist townships of eastern OntarioMap of Casselmans' ancestral originCasselman Coat of Arms